I run to be


Alison Luxton

Be kind! Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

How Her Spirit inspired me?

I often put off doing things or joining groups as I was shy and paranoid I didn’t fit in and just scared. Age has helped but I still feel the fear. Her Spirit has provided me with the support, community and incredible actions and achievements of other woman that inspire and motivate me to be better and keep me aiming for new challenges big or small.

I love listening to the inspiring podcasts and taking part in the live workouts at home. I have loved the strength, body combat, yoga and even tried meditation. I am starting my fitness journey again and Her Spiriters have not only inspired me but I have found a group of women that want to help and I feel I can ask advice of.

I have been inspired to want to try different things including open water swimming and now have the connections that I know I can ask to help me in the future. I have just started a 6 weeks running course within the app. Weekly drills and videos for all abilities. Hopefully I can run stronger and further with less chance of injury by using the knowledge and experience that is given. Weekly challenges keep things fresh and fun. Thank you to all the ladies behind Her spirit for a truly inspiring, brilliant network for everyone to be able to enjoy. I am so happy to have found this great community!

How I feel supported?

All the coaches and team are supportive and available to help! Woman helping woman to achieve goals. I have asked questions that have not only been answered but supported. Coaches going above and beyond to offer support.

I’ve learnt that everyone in the community has a struggle and people don’t judge you. I used to be scared that people were looking at me when I walked down a street. In fact no one cares if I am walking or running they are getting on with their own lives.

 What I have achieved?

I very rarely invest in myself! I guess my running is me trying to invest in myself but with 4 children and working 6 day weeks it’s really hard. Something I need to work on!
My evenings and weekends are family family family. I try and do my runs during my lunch break so I can have my evenings free.

With Her Spirit I have tried new sports including cycling and open water swimming. I now love my weekly Yoga and strength sessions. Not only have I become stronger and enjoyed all of this but I have grown in confidence.

What else…

This is a perfect platform for woman to inspire woman and be part of an amazing team that support Mental and physical health. So pleased to have found such an amazing place!


I am starting my fitness journey again and Her Spirit has not only inspired me but I have found a group of women that want to help and I feel I can ask advice of. I have been inspired to want to try different things.

Alison - Nottingham